DC多元宇宙/DC Direct 可动人偶 DC漫画 重生系列 逆闪电






DC Rebirth DC Multiverse The Reverse Flash Action Figure

Obsessed with uncovering the secret of super-speed, a scientist from the 25th century named Professor Eobard Thawne traveled back in time to meet his idol, The Flash. However, when he learned that he was destined to become a villain and die at the hands of the Scarlet Speedster, Thawne went insane and became the Reverse-Flash. The Reverse-Flash harnesses the power of the Negative Speed Force, which grants him many of the same superpowers as The Flash, but also allows him to travel through time. He often uses this ability to travel through time to continuously wreak havoc on the timestream and torment The Flash.

This 7-inch

厂商 麦克法兰
系列 麦克法兰 DC多元宇宙/DC Direct 可动人偶系列
级别或分类 DC漫画 重生系列
价格 19.99美元
名称 逆闪电
人物名 逆闪电
版本 普通版
材料种类 塑料
规格 177mm
玩具分类 美系周边
参与创建 venomchow888