红星舰船拼装模型系列 1/350 9026 俄苏沃洛夫公爵号战列舰


红星舰船拼装模型系列 1/350周边系列的级别或分类的周边单品







Battleship „Knyaz Suvorov“ Scale:1/3509026

Knyaz Suvorov The battleship „Knyaz Suvorov“ was laid down on September 8th 1901 in Saint Petersburg. Commissioned as part of the 2nd Pacific fleet it participated briefly in the famous Tsushima battle in May 1905. The battleship was the flagship of and commanded by vice admiral Z.P.Rozhestvensky. Almost at the very start of the battle the vessel suffered severe damage, a fire took hold and many ratings and officers were trapped and killed. The brave survivors continued to fight from the few undamaged guns but the ship was too badly damaged to be saved and the brave battleship “Knyaz Suvorov” was eventually sunk after numerous attacks by Japanese torpedo boats.

厂商 红星
系列 红星舰船拼装模型系列
级别或分类 1/350
名称 9026 俄苏沃洛夫公爵号战列舰
版本 普通版
材料种类 塑料
玩具分类 塑料拼装模型
参与创建 admin