星球大战: 原力觉醒系列 多人套装 塔可达纳的相遇 4人套装


星球大战: 原力觉醒系列 多人套装周边系列的级别或分类的周边单品






The Takodana Encounter figure pack commemorates the moment our heroes Ray & Finn meet the wise Maz Kanata. Included are Rey, Finn, BB-8, Maz Kanata, as well as her chest that holds Luke Skywalker’s lighsaber.

Product Description


Enter the world of Star Wars and launch into action and adventure and discover a galaxy of starships and vehicles, while you become immersed in exciting stories of good versus evil against a backdrop of a universe populated by heroes and villains, droids and space creatures. This set includes the spherical BB-, loyal Astromech droid of the Resistance pilot Poe Dameron, rolling alongside resilient scavenger Rey, a survivor toughened by a lifetime of dealing with the cutthroats of the harsh desert world of Jakku. Together they join Finn (Jakku), a trained warrior desperate to escape his past but plunged into adventure as his confidence drives him down a heroic but dangerous path to an ancient castle on the planet Takodana, where they encounter the colorful Maz Kanata. Maz reigns as the most knowledgeable smuggler around with centuries of experience and she has an uncanny knack for sensing the shifting tides of fortune in the galaxy. The stronghold of Takodana must be protected and the power is in your hands. Collect and battle with these and other figures from Star Wars.

Star Wars products are produced by Hasbro under license from Lucasfilm Ltd. Hasbro and all related terms are trademarks of Hasbro.

厂商 孩之宝
系列 星球大战: 原力觉醒系列
级别或分类 多人套装
价格 24.99美元
名称 塔可达纳的相遇 4人套装
版本 普通版
材料种类 塑料
规格 95mm
玩具分类 美系周边
参与创建 venomchow888